
Our acolyte ministry assists in lighting and extinguishing candles at the beginning and ends of our worship service, as well as assisting in processionals/recessionals on Festival days.
Our rising 5th grade students begin to serve as acolytes on a periodic basis throughout the year, and their duty is complete upon completion of Confirmation at the end of 8th grade. Acolyting is an important way our middle school youth participate and assist in our worship service.
Acolytes are trained in preparation for their service. If you have questions or would like to become involved, please contact the church office or Pastor.  

Altar Guild

The purpose of the Altar Guild is to serve God in His house by preparing the altar for all services and for all occasions (weddings, funerals, and baptisms) including setting out the wine and the bread, preparing the candles, purchasing/arranging flowers, occasional polishing and maintaining the brass and silver, and cleaning and ironing the linens.


The Altar Guild is a ministry of faithful women and men who work and serve with reverence. A rotating schedule assigns members to serve one month a year. There are extra duties during the Christmas season, Lent/Easter season and for special occasions. Membership in the Altar Guild is open to anyone in the church who is willing to be trained in the proper procedure and wishes to serve the Lord in this quiet, but meaningful way. The work of the altar guild is rewarding and interesting. If you would like to join please contact the church office.


If you would like to donate flowers for the altar on Sundays, please sign up on the flower sign-up sheet posted in the narthex. Payment may be made by cash or check (please note on check “altar flowers”) and can be mailed to the church, given to one of the office staff or placed in the collection plate on Sundays.


We also have special arrangements for Christmas Poinsettia and Easter Lily donations.

A Prayer for Altar Guild Members

Almighty God,

Grant we beseech you,
That we may handle these Holy things with reverence,
And perform our work with such
Faithfulness and devotion
That it may rise with acceptance
Before you and obtain your blessing;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Greeters normally stand near the main doorways and let everyone know that they are welcome.  They engage in conversation with people entering the sanctuary and ask any visitors to sign the Visitor's Registry. Detailed Greeter Duties are explained in this link.


Anyone is welcome to participate as an usher.  Ushers are normally scheduled to serve for a month either in the early or late service. Contact the church office or Chief Usher if you want to serve.

Worship Committee

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Psalms 95:6

Duties of the Worship Board :

  • Work with the Pastor to insure orderly, meaningful worship services,

  • Work with the Choir Directors to set up the choir schedules on a quarterly basis,

  • Promote the involvement of the congregation in the choirs, as ushers, Altar Guild members, acolytes, greeters, sound system operators, and members of other committees within the congregation,

  • Recommend candidates for organists and choir directors to the Church Council when necessary,

  • Supervise the decorating of the church for all festivals,

  • Coordinate the operation of the sound system and recording of services for the radio broadcast,

  • Supervise the acolytes and their functions,

  • Insure the Altar Guild has sufficient supplies to perform its duties,

  • Assimilate new members into the life and work of the church,

  • Promote support for the mission works of the congregation, the district and synod,

  • Authorize payment of all proper bills for Worship Board functions,

  • Meet at least monthly unless the committee deems it unnecessary,

  • Make recommendations to the church council for any significant worship changes.  

  • Review the salaries of the organists and choir directors annually,

  • Present written budget requests for salaries, supplies and materials to the Stewardship Board by the September Church Council meeting.


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