St. James Lutheran Church & School has been a part of the Quincy community since 1851. Convinced that we do not live on bread alone but on every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God, from the year of its founding, St. James has had a grade school. The mission for both our Church & School is, “Seeing Jesus and Causing Him to be Seen” He (Jesus) must increase and we must decrease. (John 3:30) We’d love to have you join us as we “Behold the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Jesus is the one who gives us life in all of its fullness (John 10:10). It doesn’t get any better than that.

Rev. Matt Riley


I started serving at St. James Lutheran Church and School in July 2022.  My wife, Jenn, and three kids, Kati, Elli, and Nate, are excited to be a part of St. James as well.  Before my studies at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis I served in various roles in Indiana, South Dakota, and Missouri including Lutheran school principal, classroom teacher, and NLOMA camp program director.

"Give thanks to the Lord for He is the God of the Lord of lords, for His steadfast love endures forever." Psalm 136:1-3

Pastor Riley

Rev. Marlin Rempfer

Visitation Pastor

God has blessed me tremendously through His gift of marriage and family. My wife Jeanie and I were married on May 25, 1975. God has blessed us with three daughters. Our oldest daughter, Crystal is an occupational therapist in Waco, Texas. Our middle daughter Emily is a teacher and married to Pastor Adam Gless in Springdale, Arkansas. They have four children. Johanna, our youngest, is a nurse and is married to Pastor Justin Bell in Elkhorn, Nebraska. God has blessed them with three children. It has been my joy and privilege to be one of the pastors here at St. James since February 1999. Previously I served congregations in Howard, South Dakota; Muscatine, Iowa; and Riverton, Wyoming.




Pastor Rempfer

Devyn Budde

Business Administrator

Devyn began serving as Business Administrator in March 2024.  We are excited to have her serving in this role that serves both church and school.




Cindy Rossiter

CHURCH Secretary

Cindy began serving as Church Secretary here at St. James in March 2023. 

We are excited to have her assistance in the office.  We thank God for the blessing of a wonderful addition to the church and school staff.

